Family Info and great history 

Descendants of Johann Kleiboeker in 2011

Johann and Charlotte Kleiboeker Family, ~1889

Family Tree with Living Relatives

Family Tree without Living Relatives

Click on the picture below, and you will find a password protected site (new window or tab), where you can see all living relatives within the Kleiboeker family tree.  Getting a password requires sending an email to

After entering an ID and Password, the "Home Card" link is set to Johann and Charlotte Kleiboeker and if you know your relationship to them you can navigate to find your family.  Or you can click on the index, and search for your relative there by their last name. Other navigational tips are included in the Introduction section

Click on the picture below to open the Johann Kleiboeker Family Tree in a new tab or window of your internet browser.  It is for public use, so it has no living relatives included.  The index has all Kleyboecker, Kleybocker, and Kleiboeker relatives in the database even if they are all not related to Johann Heinrich who left Germany in 1851 and immigrated to St. Louis.  To find these other Kleyboeckers just go to the index and click on a name you recognize and then it will open up the file to show that person's relatives.  
Click on The "Home Card" link in the new window or tab and it will bring you to the family record of Johann and Charlotte Kleiboeker.  If you know your relationship to them you can navigate to find your family. Other tips to use the family tree are in the introduction section.